Note: For web methods that return XML, NewCrop reserves the right to add additional elements at the end of the current list -
make sure you consider this during coding. Also, you can request a schema in the web service results so you can always have the latest schema.
Quick start steps:
- Review the Update1 Services link below
- Enter your PartnerName, Name, and Password and press Save Credentials
(demo can be used as PartnerName, Name, and Password for testing)
- Enter your AccountID, SiteID, and PatientID (if required)
(demo can be used for AccountID and SiteID for testing)
- Press Submit at the desired web method
Destination URL:
(displayed after you press the Submit button)
Retrieves a given set of patient prescriptions based on the given search criteria.
When used to retrieve current medications, the startDate argument specified above
is ignored. For patient safety reasons, all current medications should always be
Meaningful Use Return Fields Descriptions:
PrintLeaflet: Indicates whether or not a patient leaflet was printed.
T=True, F=False
DeaClassCode: Indicates the DEA drug schedule.
0 = No DEA Class Code Assigned
2 = Class 2 Scheduled Drug
3 = Class 3 Scheduled Drug
4 = Class 4 Scheduled Drug
5 = Class 5 Scheduled Drug
9 = No Value
PharmacyType: Indicates if the receiving pharmacy is electronic, fax, or not selected.
1 = Electronic
2 = Fax
0 = No Pharmacy Selected
PharmacyDetailType: Indicates the network to which the receiving pharmacy belongs
1 = Surescripts
2 = RxHub (Merged with Surescripts)
3 = NewCrop (i.e. Direct Fax or Printed)
FinalDestinationType: Indicates the transmission method from NewCrop to the receiving entity
0 = Not Transmitted
1 = Print
2 = Fax
3 = Electronic/Surescripts Retail
4 = Electronic/Surescripts Mail Order
5 = Test
FinalStatusType: Indicates the prescription status
1 = Success
2 = Error
3 = Queued
4 = Unknown
5 = Verified
Other Return Field Descriptions:
DeaGenericNamedCode: Indicates if the drug is Brand or Generic.
0 = Non-drug item, such as medical supplies and bulk chemicals
1 = Generic
2 = Brand
3 = Alternative
4 = Related products span multiple Generic Drug Name Codes
9 = No Value
1 AccountGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
2 AccountName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL
3 ExternalAccountID varchar(50) NULL
4 SiteID varchar(50) NULL
5 PatientGUID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
6 FullName nvarchar(144) NULL
7 ExternalPatientID nvarchar(50) NULL
8 PrescriptionDate datetime NOT NULL
9 DrugID varchar(20) NOT NULL
10 DrugTypeID char NOT NULL
11 DrugName varchar(30) NOT NULL
12 DrugInfo varchar(200) NULL
13 Strength varchar(15) NULL
14 StrengthUOM varchar(15) NULL
15 DosageNumberDescription nvarchar(50) NULL
16 DosageForm nvarchar(50) NULL
17 Route nvarchar(50) NULL
18 DosageFrequencyDescription nvarchar(50) NULL
19 Dispense nvarchar(100) NULL
20 TakeAsNeeded char NOT NULL
21 DispenseAsWritten char NOT NULL
22 Refills tinyint NOT NULL
23 Status char NOT NULL
24 SubStatus char NOT NULL
25 Archive char NOT NULL
26 PrescriptionGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
27 OrderGUID uniqueidentifier NULL
28 PrescriptionNotes nvarchar(255) NULL
29 PharmacistNotes nvarchar(255) NULL
30 ExternalPhysicianID nvarchar(50) NULL
31 PhysicianName nvarchar(176) NULL
32 DateMovedToPreviousMedications varchar(1) NOT NULL
33 FormularyType varchar(20) NULL
34 FormularyTypeID varchar(1) NOT NULL
35 FormularyMember varchar(50) NULL
36 FormularyId varchar(50) NULL
37 FormularyStatus varchar(2) NULL
38 ModifiedSig bit NULL
39 ModifiedSigStatus varchar(1) NULL
40 ExternalPrescriptionID varchar(50) NOT NULL
41 EpisodeIdentifier varchar(40) NOT NULL
42 EncounterIdentifier varchar(40) NOT NULL
43 ExternalSource varchar(1) NULL
44 ExternalDrugConcept varchar(105) NULL
45 ExternalDrugName varchar(35) NULL
46 ExternalDrugStrength varchar(35) NULL
47 ExternalDrugStrengthUOM varchar(35) NULL
48 ExternalDrugStrengthWithUOM varchar(35) NULL
49 ExternalDrugDosageForm varchar(35) NULL
50 ExternalDrugRoute varchar(35) NULL
51 ExternalDrugIdentifier varchar(35) NULL
52 ExternalDrugIdentifierType varchar(35) NULL
53 ExternalDrugSchedule varchar(1) NULL
54 ExternalDrugOTC varchar(1) NULL
55 DosageNumberTypeID smallint NOT NULL
56 DosageFormTypeId tinyint NOT NULL
57 DosageRouteTypeId tinyint NOT NULL
58 DosageFrequencyTypeID smallint NOT NULL
59 DaysSupply int NOT NULL
60 PrescriptionTimestamp datetime NOT NULL
61 OriginalPrescriptionGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
62 ExternalUserID nvarchar(50) NOT NULL
63 ExternalUserType varchar(1) NOT NULL
64 DeaGenericNamedCode varchar(1) NOT NULL
65 Diagnosis varchar(20) NOT NULL
66 DiagnosisSource varchar(6) NOT NULL
67 DiagnosisName nvarchar(200) NOT NULL
68 DispenseNumberQualifier varchar(50) NOT NULL
69 DispenseNumberQualifierDescription varchar(50) NOT NULL
70 LocationName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL
71 GenericName varchar(30) NOT NULL
72 PatientFriendlySIG varchar(140) NOT NULL
73 PrintLeaflet varchar(1) NOT NULL
74 DeaClassCode varchar(1) NOT NULL
75 PharmacyType int NOT NULL
76 PharmacyDetailType tinyint NOT NULL
77 FinalDestinationType tinyint NOT NULL
78 FinalStatusType tinyint NOT NULL
79 PatientID nvarchar(50) NULL
80 PatientIDType varchar(1) NOT NULL
81 rxcui numeric(11, 0) NULL
Retrieves prescription transmission status information based on patient and prescription status info.
Enter the query mode:
modes allowed: standard, or 1
Return values coming soon!
Description coming soon!
Return values coming soon!
Retrieves a list of all prescriptions, including accepted and denied renewal requests, with a given status for a specific day, hour range, accountID, and siteID. Prescriptions in the report are based on the latest transactional status item.
For example, suppose only one prescription was sent on the requested report date and that it had the following transactional status entries:
1 - Queued - 12:00 PM
2 - Failed - 12:03 PM
3 - Queued - 12:13 PM (This Queued status is generated when the Rx is retransmitted after the failure)
4 - Success - 12:15 PM (Successful retransmission)
The timestamp is the time that the transactional status item was created. Calling this web method with Status=Queued at 12:03 PM would yield no return, but calling the web method with Status=Failed would return the prescription in the report results. Similarly, calling the web method with Status=Success at 12:15 or later would result in the prescription being returned in the report
Report Start Date (CCYYMMDD):
Start Hour (CST):
0 based hour. 0 = Midnight
End Hour (CST):
0 based hour. 24 = End of the report start date.
Allowed Values: All, Failed, Success, Queued
Transmission Type:
Allowed Values: All, Fax, Electronic
Prescription Type:
Allowed Values: All, New, Renewal
Prescription Sub Type:
Allowed Values: All, Approved, Denied
Return values coming soon!
Retrieves a list of patient allergies in XML format.
Retrieves a list of patient allergies with additional data for MU support.
Retrieves a list of patient free form (unencoded) allergies.
1 ExternalId varchar(50) NULL
2 Name varchar(80) NULL
3 SeverityTypeID int NULL
4 SeverityName varchar(50) NULL
5 Notes varchar(200) NULL
Retrieves the allergy log details for a patient.
Retrieves all renewal request messages for processing
Retrieves all renewal request messages for processing
ProcessRenewalRequest Processes a renewal request from an electronically connected pharmacy by accepting the renewal request, denying the renewal request, or indicating that the renewal request cannot be processed due to an error.
XML Input:
Digitally signs and routes renewals to the specified pharmacy.
Note: you must Base64 encode the entire 'NCScript' message before including it
in the <xmlIn> element in the web service call. The soap message should
look similar to the following:
...</accountRequest> <xmlIn>base64 encoded message</xmlIn> </CreateRenewalBatch>...
XML Input:
Retrieves a URL to where the latest NewCrop supplied data or documentation can be downloaded.
NOTE!!! Drug Database Download URLs are from PRODUCTION
Some of the DrugIDs used with some Preproduction web services may not exist/be found because we
DO NOT update the FDB Drug Database on the Preproduction Server due to certification requirements and formulary testing.
If you receive a <Status> of FAIL, with a <Message> containing "Unknown drug: 583676", then this is why.
Please use a different DrugID. You can always check the status of the drug via the "Drug DB Lookup" feature in the Preproduction
Customer Maintenance Portal.
Desired Download:
(See table below for allowed values)
Allowed Values:
Download File Name |
Download Description |
Contains several tables including FirstDataBank drug index, healthplan index, allergy index, and pharmacy index
Provides the ability to obtain a FirstDataBank drug id from a validated representative NDC
3 - Obsolete
Contains the RxNorm drug and allergy indexes - Obsolete
Provides the ability to obtain a FirstDataBank drug id from an RxNorm drug id - Obsolete
Contains the latest pharmacy index, which is updated nightly
Contains tables that allows partner systems to display the exact same SIG options
as NewCrop. The SIG selection options include dosage number, form, route, frequency,
and action. For example: Take 1 tablet(s) by mouth BID
Contains tables that allows drug-drug interactions to be performed locally in a disconnected state
Contains tables that allows drug-allergy interactions to be performed locally in a disconnected state
Contains several tables including Multum drug index, allergy index, and NDC mapping
Contains tables that allows drug-pediatric and drug-geriatric interactions to be performed locally in a disconnected state
Contains tables that allows drug-disease to be performed locally in a disconnected state
Contains the pharmacy extended table which is updated nightly
Contains the FDB-RxNorm crosswalk mapping tables for allergies and medications.
14 - Obsolete
Contains the RxNorm drug indexes - Obsolete
15 - Obsolete
Contains State Schedule Overrides - Obsolete
Contains an allergy crosswalk for FDB to RXNORM and SNOMED.
Contains the values to utilize fully codified allergies.
requests Pharmacy Benefit Management eligibility for a given patient.
NOTE: The newcropdemo account sends to RxHub. Use patient Bruce Paltrow as provided in the following XML:
XML Input:
SUPERSEDED by a newer version below. Returns a list of drugs matching the required name. Also returns formulary coverage information and provider drug list status.
At least first 3 letters: acc (for accupril)
F = First Data Bank, R = RxNorm
'Y' to include obsolete drugs, 'N' otherwise
'A' for all, 'B' for Brand, 'G' for generic
'A' for all, 'R' for Rx (legend drugs), 'O'
for Over The Counter drugs
'A' for all, 'D' for Drugs, 'S' for Supplies
- Aetna Alaska PPO
for Summary, D for Detail, R for RxHub, N for no health plan
Index for RxHub
Internal Location ID for this provider
Internal ID for this provider
Returns a list of drugs matching the required name. Also returns formulary coverage information and provider drug list status.
At least first 3 letters: acc (for accupril)
F = First Data Bank, R = RxNorm
'Y' to include obsolete drugs, 'N' otherwise
'A' for all, 'B' for Brand, 'G' for generic
'A' for all, 'R' for Rx (legend drugs), 'O'
for Over The Counter drugs
'A' for all, 'D' for Drugs, 'S' for Supplies
- Aetna Alaska PPO
for Summary, D for Detail, R for RxHub, N for no health plan
Index for RxHub
Internal Location ID for this provider
Internal ID for this provider
Sends a base 64 encoded message to a given registry (immunization)
NOTE: Use the following XML to get started:
Raw registry message (HL7):
Base 64 encoded version of raw registry message:
Raw message size:
XML Input:
RegisterLicensedPrescriberV2 requires complete location and
prescriber information for registration as a valid prescriber. This method
must be used before a doctor can participate in the electronic pharmacy network.
If a doctor will be sending prescriptions from more than one location, the doctor must be registered at each location.
XML Input:
Digitally signs and routes controlled substance prescription(s) to the specified pharmacy.
Note: you must Base64 encode the entire 'NCScript' message before including it
in the <xmlIn> element in the web service call. The soap message should
look similar to the following:
...</accountRequest> <xmlIn>base64 encoded message</xmlIn> </CreateRxBatch>...
Note: This web service should only be used to transmit prescriptions for drugs that have a Status code
of "A" or "P". If your drug content is provided by NewCrop, then the drug's Status code is obtained either from
a monthly updated drug database from NewCrop (that may be downloaded via a web service), or returned in the <Status> result
field of the drug search web service implemented by your software (e.g DrugSearch, DrugSearchWithFormularyWithFavoritesV3, etc.).
While it is clinically useful for your software to display current or past prescriptions for inactive, replaced, or retired (obsolete)
drug concepts (e.g. Vioxx 25 mg oral tablet), they should not be transmitted to a pharmacy.
XML Input:
Digitally signs and routes controlled substance prescription(s) to the specified pharmacy.
Note: you must Base64 encode the entire 'NCScript' message before including it
in the <xmlIn> element in the web service call. The soap message should
look similar to the following:
...</accountRequest> <xmlIn>base64 encoded message</xmlIn> </CreateDigitalSigningBatch>...
Note: This web service should only be used to transmit prescriptions for drugs that have a Status code
of "A" or "P". If your drug content is provided by NewCrop, then the drug's Status code is obtained either from
a monthly updated drug database from NewCrop (that may be downloaded via a web service), or returned in the <Status> result
field of the drug search web service implemented by your software (e.g DrugSearch, DrugSearchWithFormularyWithFavoritesV3, etc.).
While it is clinically useful for your software to display current or past prescriptions for inactive, replaced, or retired (obsolete)
drug concepts (e.g. Vioxx 25 mg oral tablet), they should not be transmitted to a pharmacy.
XML Input:
SendCancelRxForNewRx / SendCancelRxForRenewalResponse
Sends a CancelRx message to the pharmacy based on a previous NewRx / Renewal Response message.
XML Input:
Returns any outstanding pharmacy RxFill requests with summary only.
Returns any outstanding pharmacy Rx Change requests with summary information only.
Retrieves PDMP review status for given patient and doctor.
Set Drug database type F = FirstDataBank (M = Multum Deprecated)
Drug database type: