Click-through For Various Roles
As a Doctor
Used to access NewCrop as a Doctor
As a Staff
Used to access NewCrop as a nurse (licensed prescriber will be selected in NewCrop)
As a Supervising Doctor
Used to access NewCrop as the supervising doctor for mid level users (nurse practitioners
and physician assistants)
As a Mid Level
Used to access NewCrop as a mid level user (nurse practitioners and physician assistants
that require supervision to prescribe. The supervising doctor will be selected in
As a Doctor with Staff
Used to access NewCrop as a licensed prescriber with a nurse
As a Staff with Doctor
Used to access NewCrop as a nurse (RN, LVN) with a doctor
As a Mid Level with Supervising
Used to access NewCrop as a mid level user with the supervising doctor.
As a Manager
Used to access NewCrop as an office manager.
As an Admin
Used to access NewCrop as an Admin (Front Office Staff-No prescribing privileges).
Admins are sent either to the NewCrop MedEntry page (used for entering meds the
patient is already on), or the Admin page (used for configuring practice features;
MedEntry page can be accessed from the Admin page).
Click-through Standard
Compose Rx
Used to get to the NewCrop ComposeRx page for Rx writing
Status no patient
Used to get to the NewCrop Status page to perform a variety of functions. Since
there is no patient in this click through XML, users will only be able to view pending
meds, pending e-renewals, and retransmit failed Rxs.
Status with patient
Used to get to the NewCrop Status page to perform a variety of functions. Since
there is a patient in this click through XML, users will be able to process pending
meds, and pending e-renewals for the given patient, and retransmit failed Rxs for
any patient.
Rx Detail
Used to get to the NewCrop RxDetail page (allows checking of SIG history, Rx transmission
status, and retransmission of failed faxes or failed eRxs)
Patient Detail
Used to get to the NewCrop PatientDetail page where users can select health plans
to drive formulary checking, and setup the patient's pharmacy favorites.
Process Renewal Request - No Interactions
Used to go to NewCrop and process an e-renewal request. No patient allergies, medications,
or diseases are sent, thus the renewal request drug is not checked for interactions.
Process Renewal Request - Interactions
Used to go to NewCrop and process an e-renewal request. Patient allergies, medications,
and diseases are sent, thus the renewal request drug is checked for interactions.
Process Renewal Request - Nurse Role
Used to go to NewCrop and process an e-renewal request as a Nurse (doctor's info is required). No patient allergies, medications,
or diseases are sent, thus the renewal request drug is not checked for interactions.
Dose Checking
Used to get to the NewCrop dose checking page (allows checking of dosage based on
patient age and weight)
Used to get to the NewCrop ComposeRx page for writing and transmitting a controlled substance prescription electronically
Click-through Standard with Optional Elements
Load Patient's Current Medications
Used to upload a patient's codified (i.e. FirstDataBank, RxNorm, Multum, etc.) current
medications to NewCrop. This is an example of the first time 3 medications are uploaded
to NewCrop. Refer to your implementation manager for examples of subsequent uploads
of the same 3 current medications.
Load Patient's Current Medications
(Codified and Unmapped)
Used to upload a patient's codified (i.e. FirstDataBank, RxNorm, Multum, etc.) and
uncodified (free text entered medications that may have a codified equivalent) current
medications to NewCrop.
Load Patient's Pending or Current
Medications (Codified)
Used to upload a patient's codified (i.e. FirstDataBank, RxNorm, Multum, etc.) current
and/or pending medications to NewCrop.
Loading an Order - Medical Supply or Experimental
Used to upload orders (free text entered medications, medical supplies, and experimental
drugs that do not have codified equivalents in FirstDataBank, RxNorm, Multum, etc.)
into the patient's current medications list.
Load Patient's Unmapped Medications
Used to upload uncodified meds (free text entered medications that may have a codified
equivalent in FirstDataBank, RxNorm, Multum, etc.) to the NewCrop Imported Rx/"Penalty
Box" so that they can be mapped to a codified index by a user and checked for interactions.
Clear\Discontinue All Current
Medications For a Patient
Used to clear the current medications list for the patient.
Patient Diagnosis
Used to upload patient diagnoses to NewCrop
Codified Allergies
Used to upload patient codified allergies to NewCrop.
Free-form Allergies
Used to upload free-form codified allergies to NewCrop.
Non-Drug\Non-Codified Allergies
Used to upload free-form allergies to NewCrop.
Codified Health Plans
Used to upload codified health plans to NewCrop.
Freeform Health Plans
Used to upload free-form health plans to NewCrop.
Codified SIG
Used to upload a script with a codified SIG to NewCrop.
DrugSet with Codified SIG
Use to upload a drug set with a codified SIG along with a patient that references
the drug set.
DrugSet with free-form SIG
Use to upload a drug set with a free-form SIG along with a patient that references
the drug set.
Subscription Renewal
Use to renew NewCrop e-Prescribing services after your trial period has ended.
Patient Pharmacies
Use to upload up to 5 most commonly used pharmacies for a patient for prescribing purposes.
Surescripts Drug History
Use to view Pharmacy Benefit Management drug history for a test patient.
Click-through to EPCS
Using FirstDataBank drug(s)
Use to send prescriptions to NewCrop, including scheduled drugs for electronic transmission.
Using Multum drug(s)
Use to send prescriptions to NewCrop, including scheduled drugs for electronic transmission.
EPCS Administration
Use to set-up users to EPCS, view audit logs, generate prescriber reports, and setup location pharmacy favorites
Click-through to Route Rx
Using FirstDataBank drug(s)
Using FirstDataBank Schedule Drug
Using RxNorm drug(s)
Using Unmapped Drug(s) Option 1
Using Unmapped Drug(s) Option 2
Using Unmapped Drug(s) Option 3
With a Pharmacy
With Multiple Pharmacies
Using Unmapped Drug(s) Option 1 (CDATA
XML Samples For Use With Web Services
Register Licensed Prescriber
Register MidLevel Prescriber
Inactivate Registered
Licensed Prescriber
Create Renewal Request With FirstDataBank
Create Renewal Request With No NDC
New Rx With FirstDataBank Drug
New Rx With RxNorm Drug
New Rx With Unmapped Drug Option
New Rx With Unmapped Drug Option
New Rx With Unmapped Drug Option
Renewal Response (Accept)
Renewal Response (Deny)
Renewal Response (Unable
to process)